Parallel world in time continuum - Virtual Gallery

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Parallel world in time continuum

January 2015

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Natali’s concerns about the state of the planet and ruin into which it has turned into, Natali Nikolovska sorted in a concept. Explores humanity on our planet and finds a new relationship and the reason for its ruin. By crating large format of artworks Natali represent concept in form of portal, with the aim to realize how big may be the universe or existence of more dimensions. It is believed that the existence of many dimensions is possible. Usage of universal energy by humans in multi dimensions causes new creativity. Human brain has the ability to feel explore and represent its own cosmos with capacity to   establish mentally connection between them. Thanks to all these possibilities, astral and variable dimensions, and awareness, generate surrealism art and enriched level of endless possibilities for art events. Such a concept Natali Nikolovska represented in the project titled "Parallel Worlds In Time Continuum" and shored it with you in the exhibition.
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